Third Party TPA Services - Click Here
CEP Consultants, Inc. is a leading and trusted consulting firm focused primarily on employee benefits plan design, plan administration and actuarial services. CEP Consultants, Inc. is unique in the benefits consulting world as we offer our clients an unrivalled two component service structure that enables full accountability Plan Consulting and Design Full Plan Implementation and Administrative Services
2006 - Adam Kelly Meets Ted Benna
"The Father Of The 401K Plan"
3(16) Plan Administrator - Click Here
As the 3(16) Plan Administrator for the 401k Plan, ERISA Fiduciary Services, Inc. assists with the administrative responsibilities for the plan, including:
We "Promote" the 401(k) Services provided by:
3(38) CFM Advisors Inc.
ERISA Fiduciary Services, Inc.
CEP Consultants, Inc.
HQ - Hauppauge, New York
402a "Named Fiduciary" Trustee Service - Click Here
By sponsoring a retirement plan, your company is liable for the plan’ s operations.That liability filters down personally to all owners and employees who control the plan.These individuals become personally liable for the plan’s investments.This is true even if these individuals aren’t aware or didn’t agree to such liability. ERISA Fiduciary Services Trustee Services eliminates your personal liability on your plan by acting asTrustee and“NamedFiduciary ” for your plan
eOnlineBenefits Founder Adam Kelly & Family
"It's all about your fee's - It's that simple"
ePlan Services, Inc., a Wholly-Owned Subsidary of Paychex
3(38) Fiduciary Advisor Services - Click Here
By sponsoring a retirement plan, your company is liable for the plan’s operations. That liability filters down personally to all owners, officers,and employees who control the plan. These individuals become personally liable for the plan’s operations. This is true even if these individuals aren’t aware of or didn’t agree to assume such liability. CFM Advisors mitigates your personal liability on your plan investments by acting as 3(38) investment advisor for your plan.
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ePlan Services, Inc., a Wholley-Owned Subsidiary of Paychex Company
Paychex is a "Publicly Traded Company"
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Administered by SurePayroll, a Paychex Company
Paychex is a "Publicly Traded Company"